Table of Contents



The .Net Core and .Net Framework given templates allows to start coding an application with the following functionality ready to use:

technical architecture
Figure 1. Current available functionality

Plase refer to User guide in order to start developing.S

.Net Core 2.1.x

The .Net Core 2.1.x template allows you to start developing an n-layer server application to provide the latest features. The template can be used in Visual Studio Code and Visiual Studio 2017.

The application result can be deployed as a console application, microservice or web page.

To start developing with OASP4Net template, please follow this instructions:

Using OASP4Net template

  1. Open your favourite terminal (Win/Linux/iOS)

  2. Go to future project’s path

  3. Type dotnet new -i OASP4Net.WebAPI.Template

  4. Type dotnet new OASP4NetAPI

  5. Go to project’s path

  6. You are ready to start developing with OASP4Net